Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a technology which can make weak muscles move by stimulating them via electrodes which could either be implanted or be placed on the surface. A little box is used to supply current and change its amplitude and frequency. It's the power of electricity at work for you and I was very excited to experience this technology first hand, quite literally!
My heart skipped a few beats when I saw our instructor's fingers move after she let 3 ma of current run through a few muscles of her right hand. Now it was my turn. I was a little apprehensive and very excited. I had been told that the current might feel funny, almost like parasthesias and even painful. One set of tiny surface electrodes and I was ready to experience electricity! I began feeling parasthesias with a very small strength of current and before long my fingers were moving; moving at their own will. I felt pain in a few tiny muscles of my hands and we decreased the signal intensity.
Then I wondered, I was experiencing this pain for such a short duration. People with stroke or SCI who undergo therapy have to go through these unpleasant feelings repeatedly and work with it to regain functional motility of their upper or lower extremities. Of course, there are many who will have some impairment of sensation and perhaps can tolerate higher intensities of current by virtue of their impairment but it still seemed like one had to be strong to endure and prevail.
My mom says this often, "There's no gain without pain”. I wondered about how much pain is enough; how much endurance will get you to where you want to be; how much patience one must have... I wondered about that amazing Creator who planned these moves and about the power-house our neurons were a part of. Every little synapse, every molecule of neurotransmitters at work every single moment of our lives; making us think; making us move; making us fall in love; making us do things we thought we were incapable of; making us feel pain; making us the people we are; is part of the incredible magic of nature and the Creator! We are trying to replicate nature and restore function in the way it was created. I like the idea but wish it was less painful and that we were using this technology more widely.
I loved what you wrote... and you can only imagine how much pain one endures... we can only imagine...
@ Nidhi:
Thanks :) I'm glad you commented even though you didn't get the link in your mail :)
Yeah I agree! Wish at times it was easier though but then again; it wasn't for all the pain would we be the same people, would we be able to grow up?
Once again Neha... beautiful piece! :)
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