Sunday, July 31, 2011

My life really sin't that hard

I find myself feeling awful about complaining about small stuff in life whenever I see my patients. They are obviously suffering from much bigger problems than I could ever imagine and so many of them have an amazing attitude devoid of self-pity and bitterness. Then I wonder; what makes me crib about "small stuff"; stuff which I am sure anybody would love to trade for the bigger problems in their life. My patients are dealing with things I take for granted; like enjoying a bite of my favorite dessert (which incidentally has been changing quite rapidly; it used to be tiramisu; now it's creme brulee but my sweet tooth is becoming a little more than just fond of strawberry shortcake) because they can't swallow and will choke on their own saliva; a good night's sleep because they are too anxious or depressed about all the uncertainties of their future; they have to worry about even being able to transfer from a bed to a chair; about being able to have a bowel movement without an accident; they as much as I worry about being able to dream and live their dreams. I truly want to ask forgiveness for ever complaining about my life and want to be thankful to the powers that be for all that I have and will be blessed with now and in the future. May I never take anything in my life for granted.