Saturday, November 20, 2010

Each one teach one

When we were growing up in Bombay, India; my dad decided to contribute to a charity called "Each one teach one". I had always found the name fascinating because it expresses the concept of individual responsibility with such simple elegance.
The reason why I thought about the phrase again was quite different from the underlying guiding principle of this charity which extols each family to adopt a child educationally. I was playing the role of the assistant senior on the Stroke service with one of the most luminary attendings around and needless to say I got inspired. I have been looking for the perfect way to learn and teach Neurology; and it just dawned upon me now; that if we simply learned one concept from each of our patients everyday; we'd perhaps learn that concept forever. It's not like I hadn't heard of this method before and somehow in the zeal to cover at least one whole topic in its entirety the simple elegance of learning at least one concept from each of my patients somehow got lost; much to my dismay. Nevertheless, having discovered it in practice now; I feel a sense of fulfillment!
When one of my most admired attendings related to me that she absolutely loves the concept of "what did this patient teach me today" I couldn't help but confess I had fallen in love too; quite simply!